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2021 Summer Glow Up Series- Week 3

Can you believe that we are already on Week 3 of the Summer Glow Up Series?!

This has already flown by! By the way, let me know in the comments what are some topics that you like to see in future posts. I love hearing your ideas and trying out your suggestions too!

So this week we are going to be focusing on how to get better sleep. Sleep can be interrupted or delayed for a number of reasons. Maybe you have a hard time falling asleep or suffer from early awakening. There have been several times in my life that sleep has been affected, and almost always it was due to lifestyle stress of some sort and/or hormone imbalances.

Stress is a bit of a broad subject since we all react differently too it. Coincidently enough, the things that I'm going to suggest to you in this blog post will help you combat the effects of stress, and in turn, help you get a better night sleep.

I think it's easy to get caught up in your day and all the to-do's, and to forget that going to bed should be a routine that you take time to invest in. A night time routine that signals your body that it is time to start winding down. You wouldn't just put a baby down to sleep and say good luck with that right?! Of course not. That baby has a bedtime routine- a bath, story time, a bottle, comfy pajamas, dimly lit room, relaxing soft music etc.

So essentially I'm telling you to treat yourself like a baby when going to bed...sounds silly haha but it's true! We need to take some time in creating and implementing a sleep routine that fosters safety, security, relaxation and good nurturing vibes.

Entering the Parasympathetic Zone

Maybe you have all the good intentions in the world to go to bed early..but Netflix, Facebook scrolling or working turns into burning the midnight oil and before you know it, you're tired- yet wired and can't fall asleep.

So your bed time goal? To activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Do whaaaattt? Let's #geekout for a moment. The parasympathetic nervous system is in control of your bodily functions when you are at rest. When you are in a parasympathetic state, you stimulate digestion which activates metabolism, your heart rate drops and blood pressure lowers- helping the body relax.

One of the ways you can activate the parasympathetic nervous is by stimulating your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a key part of your parasympathetic system and helps with both rest and digestion. The vagus nerve impacts your breathing, digestive and heart rate, all of which can have a huge affect on how well you sleep, and your mental health in general.

Three ways you can stimulate the vagus nerve:

  1. Deep breathing exercises - one to consider is the the 4-7-8 technique, which is inhale for 4, hold breath for 7 and exhale for 8. Repeat several times.

  2. Meditation- you can try apps like the Calm app, guided meditations or music such the Nu Meditation channel on YouTube.

  3. A bed time stretching/yoga routine- I love Yoga with Adrienne's channel on YouTube- this is a short simple stretch you can do before bed HERE

Sleep Supplements

When I was working with a Naturopath a few years ago I found out that I was deficient in Vitamin D and Magnesium. Many of us are deficient in magnesium and this mineral is largely responsible for regulating many different functions in your body to include calming the Central Nervous system (CNS), heart/pulmonary health and aiding muscle recovery and relaxation.

I have been taking these Magnesium supplements and find the work well. I recommend taking these in the afternoon and evening time before bed.

Another night time supplement would be a probiotic. Great for supporting your digestive system, and overall gut health. Ladies, I recommend finding one that includes acidophilus for female reproductive support.

If you are suffering from insomnia, a natural sleep aid to consider would be Melatonin.

*These are suggestions based on my own personal experience. Please be sure to consult your professional healthcare provider on whether or not a supplement protocol is right for you and your specific needs.

The Best Night Time Snack for Sleep

I feel like I may or may not have mentioned cherries in every blog of the Summer Glow Up Series so far lol... But stay with me here!!

Cherries help to increase melatonin levels, helping increase both the quality and duration of sleep. We talked about magnesium just a minute ago and cashews are loaded with magnesium, helping reduce anxiety and early onset awakening. Pairing a healthy fat with fruit is always a win, as this helps balance blood sugar levels- which also aide in more restorative sleep.

Blue Light Keeping You Up At Night

If you think about it, we are on our computers and/or phones for a good portion of the day. This even includes any TV times. With the pandemic this past year, no doubt screen time has been on the rise.

Blue light from these electronic devices can suppress melatonin, a hormone that makes us feel tired and aides in restful sleep.

Set a curfew with your devices and try to get off of them at least a half hour before you fall asleep. Fill that half hour of time with things that will help you get into a parasympathetic state such as meditating, stretching and deep breathing.

Protect your eyes when using a computer or watching TV and get some blue light blocking glasses. I got these at Target and wear them both at work and home! They were also only $10 too!

You can also adjust the settings on your phone for blue light and get an app such as Flux for your computer or laptop to help with blue light.

Well that is a wrap on our week 3 post here my sweet friend. Let me know what you are going to try this upcoming week to get better sleep!




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