Week 3 of the Spring Glow up series is here! I have to say this week I'm noticing that I'm feeling much more settled into my morning and evening routines, Like there is more ease and less of a what the heck do I do next vibe!? haha How are you all feeling now that it has been a few weeks since the time change and Spring starting?
Just with any change of season, we naturally go through an adjustment period where we switch up our routines to the season that we are in. That season doesn't just mean climate-wise, but truly what season of life you are in too. So if you are still finding your way with your routine, or doing a big overhaul and just getting started, you are in the right place!
Mindset Shift: How To Successfully Fit a New Habit Into Your Routine
So if you are tweaking or starting a new morning and/or evening routine- I heard an awesome mindset shift that I think you will love, too! When you are adding in a new habit or replacing a habit, try breaking it down like this:
Cue - (this is the prompt before taking the action of doing the habit)
Routine/Behavior- The actual action that you will take after the queue
Reward- yes a reward, our brains neural pathways are designed to seek a reward after any new habit. In order to make this a healthy habit that is in alignment with your glow up goals, this has to be something that evokes a positive emotional response of pleasure, and not pain.
For example- let's say you are starting to workout, you will need to think of what your cue is going to be- such as, "when I'm done hearing my favorite song play, I'm going to start my work out".
Then the routine/behavior...(the hard part sometimes right? lol) So this is where you have to start looking at this new habit as just that when first starting out! It's a new action that you are looking implement. So say you are totally new to working out- even if you worked out for just 10 of the 30 minutes on day 1 (your desired goal), you completed in fact completed the task by working out. You didn't do the 30 minutes, but you showed up and worked out and THAT is what counts. Often we view this as a fail right? But in fact you did what you set out to do, worked out and now you have a starting place to gradually build off of.
Last, the reward. Let's say you love chocolate (hi, me too!), so after your workout you are going to make this chocolate peanut butter cup protein smoothie recipe. Delicious, chocolatey and a great post workout meal. Which hey btw, look at that! Another glow up habit added by making that post workout shake that is easily anchored onto your last habit of working out. (also PS if you want to know more about anchoring habits - checkout the post from Week Two HERE , if you haven't already or need a refresher).
To sum it up, your routine will essentially be string of cues, actions and rewards throughout the day.
Action Item: Routine Assessment Exercise
What I want you to do is to take a look and write down your current AM/PM routines as they stand now (and without judgement!), put a plus sign next to each habit that you feel is positively moving you forward, and then a negative sign next to a habit that is pushing you further away from your goals. This will create a visual and a starting place for you to rework your routine.
When you see any negative signs, look at that habit and ask yourself how you can reframe by first changing your queue, replacing the negative habit (important we- not removing!) and then what your reward will be. Remember, the cue and the reward have to evoke a positive emotional response of pleasure- even if it's writing out an affirmation that you you are a beautiful badass that just completed (fill in the blank).
Glow Up Recipe Of The Week- Low Carb Air Fryer Pizza
Seriously, this recipe literally blew my mind. I have been wanting to get back to using my air fryer more and I love pizza, and will never take it out of my diet. NEVER. haha But having said that, I also love finding sexy swap (healthy swaps if you're new here :) ) to make it. So an egg white wrap by Egglife is 25 calories and 5g of protein. The macros are insane for this pizza crust!! Recipe is all in the pic below- enjoy!!
PS- I hope the habit exercise was helpful! It's helping me SO much in understanding the science and psychology around habits, and really enjoy sharing what I am learning with you all! Send me a message or comment below if you completed this exercise and keep me posted on how it has helped :)
Until next time beauty!