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2021 Summer Glow Up- Week 6

Oh heyyy week 6! I have to say, I did a pretty good job keeping somewhat balanced on my recent vacation. #proud lol I was able to stick to my workouts, have healthy breakfasts and snacks each day, and enjoyed slow mornings with iced coffee and reading my current personal growth book, "Atomic Habits"(which I highly recommend reading btw!).

Let's recap a bit. In week 5, I shared some of the ways I was trying to maintain some balance while on vacation...don't get me wrong- I was in Philly. I definitely enjoyed cheesesteak, (a few) family bbq's and drinks. But having some structure to my daily routine (that I've been working on forming these last few weeks of the glow up series) has really helped transition back to my day-to-day, and not completely derailing. If you haven't checked out Week 5's post- check it out HERE ...but definitely read this one too, ok?! lol

So let's get into this week! I'm sharing a mini 1-2 day detox that can help you reduce inflammation, support your digestion and flood your beautiful bod with vitamins and nutrients to get right back to slaying that glow up journey!

I don't know about you, but I am somewhat of a foodie. So when I travel I LOVE to try different foods and restaurants. Having said that, I typically am eating things that maybe I'm not used to on the day to day- so I always feel like a mini detox is in order to help me feel more revitalized. And don't worry, this is not a starvation cleanse- none of that around here! You will be eating 3 meals and 2 snacks :)

But First! Lemon Water

This is a morning ritual to be considered worth implementing detox or not. Detoxification is a natural process of our bodies; and so implementing a tonic like this daily, can help aide in detoxification, reduces inflammation, supports metabolism and digestion.

To make: 12 oz warm water, juice of half a lemon, sprinkle of himalayan sea salt, drizzle of local honey, 1 tbsp Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar.

Breakfast- Meal 1: Summer Glow Up Smoothie Bowl

To Make: 1 packet frozen acai or 1 cup frozen pitaya and 1/2 frozen banana, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, 2 scoops Vital Protein Collagen Peptides, 1/3-1/2 cup coconut water (start with less and add more until desired consistency- thick enough for toppings). 2 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes and 1/3 cup berries of choice for toppings. Option to add 1/4-1/3 cup granola (low sugar) if extra energy requirements and/or working out.

Meal 2- Snack Attack #1- Green Juice

I definitely contemplated for a good 30 seconds if I shouldn't leave snack attack in the meal title, but nahhh, we're totally leaving it! #makeitweird lol

I'm not much of a juicer at home, but I will from time to time, grab a fresh green juice from somewhere. I'm still getting the lay of the land around the STL area and healthy juice-type if you know one...PLEASE let me know! But for sake of convenience, and the fact that you all are reading this from different areas of the world, let's settle on a green juice focusing on the ingredients that are listed in this Blue Print Green Juice:

If you have higher energy needs, or simply just feel hungry- please listen to that bod and add a healthy fat to this snack like a handful of almonds.

Meal 3- Lunch: Thyme To Glow Up's- Don't Kale My Vibe Salad

To Make: Preheat oven to 375 (4 oz tempeh per serving)- make by slicing into strips and marinated with 1 tsp honey, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, 1/4 tsp onion powder, 1 tbsp Bragg's coconut aminos, 1 tsp olive or avocado oil and squeeze of lemon- bake at 375 for 18-22 minutes, flipping halfway in cooking time.

To salad- add 1/2 diced apple, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa and 2 tbsp pepitas or sunflower seeds.

For dressing (1 serving): Mix 1 tbsp Bragg's apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp dijon mustard, 2 tsp olive or avocado oil, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, sprinkle of salt and pepper and squeeze of lemon.

Meal 4-Snack #2- I'm hungry, so hummus need a snack

Ok I'm taking it too far with this title... or am I? lol Nope. I decided, I like it! haha

Alright, so afternoon snack. We're keeping the blood sugar stable- we don't want any crazy spikes between now and dinner, as that can lead to overeating and poor sleep!

So a veggie and healthy fat it is! Hummus and veggies like bell peppers and/or cucumbers.

Or you can make my dairy-free queso dip from Cooking Is Sexy- you can grab the cookbook HERE. The cookbook and guide has TONS of healthy swap recipes to keep you on track during your glow up journey and beyond!

Meal 5- Dinner: High Protein Pasta Bowl

Pasta on a cleanse?! 100% yes!

I want this to be a go-to guide for you that you can sustainably follow AND enjoy. I've studied nutrition for several years now- along with food pairing and how that affects hormones, mood and digestion.

So...pasta? I'll admit, it may seem a bit odd to see in a detox. But, let's look at the integrity of ingredients and break this recipe down. I want you to try (if you haven't already) a high protein pasta called Banza. It's made from chickpeas which are very high in fiber and protein- plant based, and exactly what we are look for when it comes to a nourishing, satisfying dinner to round out our day- let's make it!

  • 1 cup cooked Banza pasta (or high protein plant based pasta)- I love penne or rotini style for this recipe

  • 2 handfuls spinach or kale (sauteed in 1 tsp olive or avocado oil)

  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds

  • 1/4 cup no salt added tomato sauce- seasoned with pepper, a little sea salt, italian seasoning, 1/4 tsp garlic and onion seasoning

  • Mix cooked pasta with sauteed kale, and add in sauce, spices and hemp seeds and warm in skillet.

  • Hot pepper flake and/or fresh basil to garnish

Annnnd that rounds our our day! Hope you enjoyed this mini detox guide.

Need more of a reboot? Let me know if you would like to see more of a program that is plant based?!



PS- I have NO idea what is happening to my IG feed on my homepage....working with my site hosting support to fix it :) .. but if you are looking to follow along on IG- you can find me @thyme2glowup


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