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2021 Summer Glow Up - Week 2

Here we are- week 2 of the Summer Glow Up Series! I'm so excited to share this weeks recipes and areas of focus with you all!

So this week I really wanted to dive into a full health tune up.

Lately, my 9-5 has been extremely busy- I've been working a lot more hours, sitting more, and also working on content for my blog.

When I think about total health- it's not just the food you eat and exercise- but also, your mindset/mental health, your social life, your joy, your finances, your home environment and spirituality. All of these have have a combined affect on your lifestyle. And while it's impossible to be 100% in all categories, it's important to be mindful of areas of life where you are thriving, and also areas in which you feel you are simply surviving.

I recommend checking in on these areas once a month. I call it the Wheel of Life. Rate each category 1-10 on your level of confidence, and then create an action plan for the month going forward on how you focus on these areas.

For me, lately I have been wanting more accountability on pursuing my goals. I have big goals, but that is coupled with self doubt and not feeling worthy in certain ways. Maybe you can relate? So, I decided to start therapy sessions up again. Get more of a handle on my limiting beliefs and also work on some trauma-based work from past narcissistic abuse. I'll touch more on that as I work through things a bit more- but for now, this a great big positive step in the right direction!

In addition to therapy, I'm going to the chiropractor to get adjustments done and starting to foam roll after my workouts. This will help with the physical aches and pains that I've been feeling lately!

So my beautiful friend, what areas of life are a focus? What are the action steps you will take to make the areas in life that you feel need more focus become a priority?

I love that we are Glowing Up together!! This is good stuff! xo

Well you know I've been in the kitchen, creating some delicious Summer Glow Up recipes for us!

So we are taking a little trip to Italy this week! Fun fact- I lived in Italy for 3 years of my life, from age 3-6. I remember the market place, the taste of pizza, Venice and also picking cherries from our Cherry tree on my family's property.

This next recipe may not seem very "Italian" but cherries, bring me back to Italy and picking fresh beautiful cherries from our tree with my Dad, and in honor of Father's Day coming up... what a great way to celebrate a memory and create a new recipe!

Summer Cherry Glow Up Salad- to make, 1/2 cup chopped fresh cherries, 2 cups greens of choice, 2 tbsp slivered almonds, 6 oz grilled chicken or protein of choice, 2 tbsp feta cheese or 1/4 avocado, fresh basil sprinkled on top-- apple cider vinaigrette: 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp olive oil, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp local honey.

This salad was so light and fresh- definitely a must for a hot summer day!

Next, let's talk about how my herbs are flourishing!! Look at these babies! SO proud lol

This pesto recipe is dairy free, super creamy and packed full of all the yumminess that you would get with a traditional pesto recipe. Grow your own basil and watch out, girl! Farm to table action!! haha

And oh heyyyy, Miss Cilantro in the middle- I see you! We got some recipes coming up to celebrate her too!

Avocado Pesto Zoodles- to make, 1 medium avocado, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1/4 cup cashews (soaked in water for 2-3 hours, discard water) 2 tbsp olive oil, 2-3 tbsp water, 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 tsp onion powder, 1 bunch of basil, 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Blend pesto until well combined. (When you use the pesto add 1-2 tbsp to your dish. This can also be frozen and used at a later time too!)

In skillet, heat 1 tbsp olive oil and add in zoodles (2 medium zucchinis spiralized). Sautee for about 6-8 minutes and then add in 3 tbsp pesto, mix until well combined. Serve with protein of choice. Makes 2 servings.

I'm feeling good going into this 2nd week!!

So let's recap shall we? Our action items are to prioritize where we fall in all areas of lifestyle and coming up with an action plan on the areas that require more focus. And of course making time to get in that kitchen and prep some healthy meals that are going to nourish your beautiful body!

And hey did you download the guide from last week?? If not, check it out HERE , this will help you get organized with your meal planning and exercise routine!

Here's to week two- let's make it a great one!!




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